Early Years Foundation Stage 2024 - 2025
Miss Kearney
Welcome to EYFS with Miss Kearney
On this page, you will find information about what we are learning at school and challenges to work on at home.
Our class charity is Children in Need.
Please use this link to find out what your child will be learning throughout the year in EYFS class:
Maths games to help you learn to count and recognise numbers:
Maths games to help you learn to calculate:
Maths games to help you learn about measures and shapes:
Practise saying the sounds on the Phase 2 and 3 grapheme mat.
Some active learning challenges to get you moving:
It is good to talk about your feelings. How do you feel today and why?
Class Routines
School bags, reading wallets and water bottles should be brought into school every day.
Tuesday is our PE day. Please come to school in your Active Uniform.
Reading books will be changed every Friday.
Web links for parents/carers:
Speech and language development: NHS Start for Life - Learning to talk
Phonics and reading: Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised - for parents
Maths: White Rose Maths - Parents and pupils - Advice and guidance
Physical development: Active for Life - Fundamental Movement Skills
Support for parents: BBC Bitesize - Starting primary school
Information for parents/carers on the EYFS curriculum
Throughout the Reception year we:
- work towards the Early Learning Goals which children need to achieve by the end of the year to make a good start in Year 1.
- help children develop the EYFS Characteristics of Effective Learning which will help them throughout school.
- use the Development Matters non-statutory curriculum guidance for the EYFS.
- follow a structured Curriculum Map (see top of page) covering all areas of learning with a focus on vocabulary, reading and language skills.
- build on prior learning and teach skills in order to ensure progression throughout the year.
Please download the files below for further information: