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Special Worships and Class Productions 2022-2023

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As part of our vision statement to promote 'life in all its fullness' (John 10:10), we plan for every class to lead a special worship and/or a production every year.  Through these experiences, children develop confidence, they deepen their knowledge and understanding of faith and the ways in which humans celebrate God's world, as well as having their self-esteem and self-worth nurtured.  They explore injustice and unfairness through difficult themes of war and learn how faithfulness, love and kindness overcomes all.  They learn that if they share and have hope then their world can be a better place just as God wants for his children.

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Get In Touch

St. Francis Church of England Primary School
Cherry Tree Lane, Blackburn, BB2 5NX
Mrs Barton or Mrs Fielding
01254 201419